This Blog
- Taylor
- A 20-year old, vegan, theatre enthusiast with a joy found in taking pictures.
333/365 Stressed Desserts
To the left we have a chocolate cake with mint 'monster' icing. To the right we've got a vanilla cake with a mixed berry frosting that is so fluffy you'd think you were eating a cloud.
Baking for three hours tonight instead of doing homework was the right choice.
Last two weeks of the semester...priorities = in order.
P.S. The title...SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! ;)
328/365 Thanksgiving
I am thankful for my family, specifically my cousins who use
silverware as mustaches.
I am thankful for vegan food, because I had too many delicious
dishes to name.
I am thankful, again, for my family. Because only my
family would put out paper place mats and little cups of
crayons for us to draw on at dinner. And only my sister would sit across from
me and draw me. And only my younger cousins Anna and Katie and myself would sit
there doodling and drawing the Deathly Hallows symbol a bunch of times.
It was a spectacular giving of thanks.
322/365 Freddy and Isabella
Freddy and Isabella back in my life, as it should be.
I'm exhausted. Can't wait for this coming week to hopefully, finally RELAX...even though after this show is over there's still a ton of school things for me to worry about...but it'll be fine.
So if this does end up being my last *post*, please believe that things are good with me, and even when they're not, they will be soon enough.
And I will believe the same about you.
Love Always, Taylor
Name the book that I have obviously recently re-read to win five points!
319/365 Bake-apy
Because no matter how stressed out you are, no matter how utterly exhausted you are, no matter how many other things you could be doing or how many other ways you could be spending your time, you should always make time to bake. Especially when the baking is Pumpkin Oatmeal cookies for the Theatre Club Bake Sale tomorrow.